Be Still and Know

I don’t always listen to lyrics. I admit it. I love music and often get caught up in the instrumental parts of the song, dissecting each melody. I rarely ever sing the correct words. I’ve been known to just insert whatever I hear. For example, when I first heard U2’s “Mysterious Ways,” I immediately loved it and went to buy the album. When I walked into my local music store and asked for “Mr. Eastways,” the salesman looked at me like I wore a straitjacket. I sang the line, “She moves in with Mr. Eastways,” and he laughed. True story.

The other day, a friend and I were sharing music as we often do, and I ended up listening to a song on repeat. That happens to me a lot. When I fall in love with a song, I become obsessed with it. After a few times, I actually listened to the lyrics, and it was almost like a ghost whispered in my ear. Chills, right?

Here’s the song:

One of my best friends lost her eighteen year old son in a car accident just over six months ago. As I listened to the song, I thought of her. And him, so I sent her the link. She responded immediately, thanked me, and told me she loved me, that he was on her mind all day, which I’m sure was no different from the day before that or two days before. One day I will write a post about what happened to her just before she listened to the song, but that’s a different story.

The thing about music is that it can speak different things at different times. If you listen to the words, “Be still, and know that I’m with you,” you can almost insert it into any part of your life. A lullaby to a sleepy child, a loved one who you don’t get to see every day, a message to a grieving mother, or as the case was today for me: a message to a mother, my mother, who is in the beginning stages of Dementia.

Please join me for the rest of the story at the SisterWives. You might want to bring a tissue.

14 thoughts on “Be Still and Know

  1. Not today, love. I don’t have the strength. Maybe tomorrow. Just didn’t want you to think I didn’t care enough to read.


  2. I loved the song and tribute to your best friend, Mandi. My thoughts and prayers to her and her family and I’m so deeply sorry for her/their loss.

    I also wanted to say that, I’ve always adored you, but you just went to the top of the charts in my book with songs and lyrics!! I drive my friends crazy. I RARELY listen to lyrics but get involved with music for the rhythm, vibe and beat. I can absolutely TORCH the lyrics like no tomorrow. It’s ok, because 99% of the time I’m singing to myself 🙂 Love this post…and you take care 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Mike. We would be a riot in the car on a road trip. My husband just shakes his head at me because I NEVER get the words right. Ever. I sing all the time. I don’t care who’s listening!


  3. I’m like that with lyrics too – and I’m a songwriter. Doh! I was just telling someone the other day that I don’t know why I never paid more attention to why the lyrics didn’t makes sense, but you’re right; I guess I just get so caught up in the music. Headed over to finish the story. 🙂


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