Ch ch ch ch Changes

It’s not just the weather changing these days.

I get these reminders on social media sometimes that say, “This time last year” or “Two years ago today” and things like that, and I really like to see where I was. To look at those memories with a smile and a sigh.

My daughter just turned five, so there was a memory of her birth, of her first birthday party. I even saw a picture of the time I put her in skinny jeans. They looked so cute on her chunky little diapered bottom.

I see my son go from a mouth full of perfectly lined little baby teeth to a new smile with holes and crooked teeth, but the light still sparkles in his eye, and I love to see how no matter what, the kids smiles with his whole head. He’s grown so much, almost nine years old.

And so it’s time for me to make some changes. I am no longer that frumpy mom who wore nursing bras and sweatpants covered in spit up. I no longer need to wake up in the middle of the night to crying babies or sick toddlers. My babies are big now, kids. And by the way, they’re awesome, wonderful, amazing little people who are the reason the sun rises and sets every day in my world.

But they don’t need me as much as they did nine years ago, five years ago, even a year ago, and so I’m ready to move on.

The birth of this blog happened as part of the transition. The time that opened up when my children became more self-sufficient allowed me to sit down at my computer from time to time and share my stories with you, and you read them! Thank you for that.

I’m not sure you know this, but I wrote a book. A really good book that’s getting consistent five star reviews by not just people who know me, but even strangers love my book. Have you read it? No? What are you waiting for? It’s here and here. Or if you prefer the kindle version, it’s here. And since it’s Cyber Monday, the kindle version is only $2.99.

The shameless book plug is not the point of this post. The point is that I’ve taken a full time job. I’m going back to corporate America, a place I hesitantly left nine years ago to raise my kids, and I’m scared, but I’m also excited. It will be a new challenge, a new lifestyle, and I know a completely different world from the one I left.

Blogging will take a back burner until I can get my schedule in order, but I won’t stop writing. I have about a third of my second book written, and I’m still stewing on a sequel to Dear Stephanie. In my head (and the very short rough draft), it is called Dear Paige.

I will try to keep up with all of you on your own blogs and will do my best to continue to support and share your work. If you ever want some extra attention on a particular piece, please message me so that I can help spread it over my social media platforms.

In the meantime, if something exciting happens, or hopefully funny, I’ll write about it here. I still have so many stories to tell you. Just thinking about going back to work reminds me of the time one of my employees brought flying squirrels to work with her. In her bra. Or the time I fired a guy, so he came to my office with a loaded gun to kill me. That was fun.

So maybe I’ll write those. Maybe. When I have time. Until then . . .

Can we still be friends if I’m not a full time blogger? 

Say yes.

(Also, I wrote this article which posted on Scary Mommy yesterday if you want to read something from my heart.)