The Story of Autumn

I am so excited to introduce you again to my absolute favorite Brit, Lizzi, from Considerings.  She joins me today with her latest and final installment of Anitra’s story.  If you haven’t read the first three parts, please get caught up, and do it quickly:

Shadows and Stardust

The Wasted Minstrel

Anitra’s Chance

Now go find a soft welcoming chair, settle in making yourself comfortable, and sink your teeth into Lizzi’s brilliant words.



Have you ever mourned the loss from your life of someone who’s made you angry; whose very memory causes your brow to furrow and your heart to become hard, even as part of you twists in pain because they’re gone? Have you ever lain awake at night worrying about them one second and hating yourself for giving them head-space (again) the next?

Have you ever wished and wished that they’d return safe, just so you could punch them in the middle of their face to let them know how much they hurt you?

My winter was cold and dark and immeasurably long as I tried to continue life, now thrown off-balance by the third loss of Anitra. I seemed cursed by my inability to unhook or maintain any sense of proportion as I wished for her return, at the same time nurturing a boiling rage against this woman who had taken our friendship and wantonly shredded it in front of me, throwing the tattered pieces in my face in defiance.

I trudged back and forth from the homeless shelter after my working days and at weekends, taking a masochistic pleasure in braving the bad weather; the sleet falling down my neck, my soaking shoes and damp coat serving as reminders that I meant it – I was helping because it was the right thing to do, not just because of the faded harmonies of years-old memories.

Throwing myself into helping, I vehemently protested with every deed, that this wasn’t just about her – and I convinced everyone except myself that this was the case. So much so that as the days began to lengthen again, I was given a new task, this time seconded from my job as an outreach volunteer (it looks good when your company has employees involved in ‘outreach’ – it makes the brand more personable, more human, and ultimately far more appealing than those faceless corporations who don’t care for the community which supports them).

A community garden.

The transformation of a council-donated patch of wasteland into a miniature park and shared vegetable plot, where the homeless could work alongside the homed, the lion could lie down with the lamb, and the sharing would be restricted to trowels, not needles. “A pipe dream of Eden”, I thought at first, telling the director that it was unlikely to happen – that the homeless were essentially a selfish, transient bunch (no matter how much we might want to help them) and that they would never stick around long enough to dig more than a few spadefuls of dirt, never mind see it through to harvest.

He looked at me sternly, over the top of his glasses, and firmly told me that this was my chance to prove my commitment to the cause – to do something outside of my comfort zone – to engage in a collaborative project which would rely on the homeless proving themselves to me.

“Give it a try”, he urged. “Let them show you that they aren’t all like Anitra. They won’t all hurt you. I’ve already got other shelters keen to be involved – we’re going to make a real go of this, for the sake of the whole community. And I want you to be there. Let their efforts begin to heal those broken chords in your heart.”

Grudgingly at first, then with increasing excitement, I pitched up each weekend in my scruffs and boots, greeting familiar faces, new faces, old co-workers, and together we scythed and burnt and stripped the patch of wasteland of its shroud of weeds and litter, huddling together around the bonfire, drinking tea from thermos cups and enjoying an easy camaraderie. We toiled and tilled, our backs bent as we broke the clotted soil open and let in new life, planting ready for harvest, and transforming the formerly useless into something beautiful and practical (a process we could hear echoing in our souls).

Garden (2)

True enough, people came and went over the ensuing months – both the homeless and the homed were inconsistent in their participation, but a core of people never failed to show up and gradually my faith was restored. All was well in the garden.

Until she arrived.

The minibus from one of the other shelters disgorged its usual huddle of volunteers, and there she stood amongst them, looking around her with curiosity and a genuine interest in her eyes.

Gone was the look of haunted desperation. Her stick-thin figure had filled out, leaving her looking healthy. Clean? Who knew, but the pinched look had left her eyes, and her skin was no longer grey. I experienced the curious feeling of my soul simultaneously flying up into a crescendo, and crashing into the dirt, and I turned away, not ready to face her yet; unsure of how I’d react once we were standing in front of each other again.

I was sullen that day, and in spite of the sunshine baking my neck and shoulders, a chill remained inside, my heart dark and my digging rendered vicious by those painful memories:

Holding her close, watching her finally relax and give in to peace once the storm of tears was over. Her smile of genuine happiness when I said I’d do all I could to help her get back on her feet. Her jeering, insouciant eyes as she mocked me for caring. Her jutting chin and bold defiance as she told me that she was beyond help and that the therapy group were all clueless dickheads. Her glazed, unfocused eyes as she reached for me, spewing lies and violent words…

The next weekend she was there again, and I still didn’t let myself look at her, my tongue now laden with a week’s worth of angry barbs, prepared for her next attack, however it might come guised. She noticed me, though, and I caught her in my peripheral vision, staring at me then starting towards me. I turned away swiftly, and she didn’t materialise, having presumably thought the better of it. I pruned several rose bushes so harshly they ended up as near stumps, taking delight when one raked me with its thorns so that I could hack and slash at it, turning the branch into ribbons of mulched waste.

I waited for her to leave, but as summer progressed, she was there every week, without fail. She worked diligently, quietly, making no effort to intrude on my hurts, letting them quell with time as I became used to her presence again. A peaceful presence, this time, which gradually soothed the jags and corners of my anger, allowing my heart to re-focus and revel once again in the delight of the growing garden – in the beauty of the place we’d crafted together – and immerse myself in the scent of sunshine on freshly-turned earth, the flowers spilling their fragrance over cupped petals into the air, and the sound of honeybees as they busied themselves amongst the abundance.

The vegetable garden swelled and proliferated with good things as they came into ripeness with the season – simple foods planted quickly to give us a sense of achievement: squashes, marrows, a giant, orange pumpkin and a climbing, green tangle of beans.  We tended, watered and weeded, smug looks being exchanged around the team as we surveyed our success.


I stood one afternoon in golden light, infused with the richness that only the middle of autumn can bring – when the orange and red hues in the trees seem to pour their notes forth into the air and mingle with the lighter warmth and deeper resonance of the sun – and watched a red-breasted robin flitter down and peck through the freshly turned earth, searching for bugs. A step behind me caused him to take flight, landing in a nearby tree, where he cocked his head, fixing us with a beady, black eye before opening his beak in a glorious torrent of song.

A whistle echoing his song was released into the air, fluting past me, my ears not deaf to its beauty even as they pounded with anxiety and I turned to see Anitra standing there. A half smile stretched her lips as her eyes darted, making only glancing contact with mine, which I could tell had narrowed, feeling my guard coming up like shutters closing behind them.


The sound of my name was all it took: the slap rang out, my hand stinging as I watched her head snap back. I was shocked because I hadn’t known I was going to do it, nor that I had such force within me. She reeled away from me, clutching her now-reddening cheek, the imprint of my fingers clearly visible. From the corner of my eye I saw the robin fly away, scared, and heard a sudden ripple of whispers travel out across the garden, where everyone had frozen, like statues at a children’s party.

The atmosphere was charged. No-one moved, and my narrowed eyes bore down into a full glare, my jaw tightening, turning my face into a stony mask.

She hesitated, then seemed to make her mind up, stepping back towards me. She dragged her eyes up to meet mine, and in a strained voice disseminated a clipped version of her time since I’d seen her last.

“I found somewhere – I didn’t go back to the streets. You insisted that my life could be better, and I wanted to try again. I didn’t know you were doing this: I got involved through the shelter who took me in, cos now I’m alright, I’m trying to help – trying to give something back. When I saw you here, I was glad, because I thought we could try again too, and that I might have a shot at fixing what I broke. If you don’t think so, I’ll go now, and that’ll be the end of it. And I’m playing again. Not well, and not often, yet, but I thought you’d like to know.”

“So…” her voice trailed off as she looked for my response.

I turned away from her, raising my hands and clasping them, fingers laced behind my head. I attempted to blinker myself from the world with my own elbows, breathing shakily, deeply, and trying to figure out what to do next.

The skies held no answer, just memories zipping past my mind’s eye, accompanied by seventeen jangling, clashing soundtracks and the timpani of my pulse.

I closed my eyes and willed them not to spill over, then exhaled at length, shaking my head, bewildered as I heard her start to walk away.

Then I heard it. A pause.

We turned at the same moment, briefly dipping back across the years into that old synchronicity as we said, in unison “Can we just go for coffee or something?”

She grinned and I rolled my eyes, the mood transforming instantly to a lighter pitch.

Around us, the garden came back to life as the people resumed their work, realising the spectacle was over. Anitra fetched her gardening tools over, and set up alongside me as we busied ourselves harvesting the beans, chatting as we waited for the end of the day.

At some point in the fading afternoon, the robin returned to his perch and began to sing for us again.

warning fiction


I’m a deep thinker, truth-teller and seeker of Good Things. I’m also silly, irreverent and try to write as beautifully as possible. My thoughts are prolific and can be found at my blog, Considerings







48 thoughts on “The Story of Autumn

  1. Mandi, all I can say is “THANK YOU”, in huge, bright, golden letters, which shine with how happy I am that somehow the process of getting to know you has been tangled up in finding Anitra and telling (or listening to her tell) her story, and you’ve been so generous and forbearing to put up with my particular brand of ever-so-slightly nuts, as I’ve tried to wrestle these guys onto the pages.

    I hope that you’ll bear with me still, now we’ve decided it’s ‘chapters’ and that there is more to be told in this, and that every so often you won’t mind me coming to you with my empty begging bowl, asking for shadows and stardust from my Muse…


  2. This was a beautiful series, truly well written. I had a difficult time with it for personal reasons even though the story was so, so good. I like this ending. I wish for this ending. Every day. Another gorgeous work, Lizzi. And so fitting to end it here with Mandi.


    • Sorry it’s been a tough one for you. You’re not the only one who’s found it to be so, which sucks :/

      Glad this ending helps a bit *hugs*


    • Awh thanks 🙂 I’ve loved the music underpinning it all – did you catch the one in the name of my narrator?

      If I get as far as book, I shall certainly let you know 😀


  3. What a wonderful way to wrap up the series…for here. I can’t wait for the BOOK. This was absolutely beautiful and “real”. I loved Nina’s slap. I loved that it wasn’t some just-hug-me-we’re-fine moment. It was real and brazen and bold and beautiful.


  4. Hi! regarding what you said, there is something I see too. Perjaps you cannot do what Anitra OR Nina did throughout all parts of this story, and expect it to be OK…right away.
    But then I think of all the betrayal and the redemption which we must accept in order to get on with our lives, and in order to keep giving to others and just keep living.
    Cincerrning this part, part IV:
    I loved this part — a garden and the changing seasons ,,, beautifully described, and perfect metaphors.
    You wrote a wonderful, marvellous four part story using a clear viewpoint which stayed in character, You have a great understanding of human nature and the ability to portray it really poetically.
    And you have a robin! 🙂 xox!!!
    That is one beautiful photo as well, Lizzi !!! xox jean thank you and congratulations.


    • True, true – neither of them were particularly well behaved at times, were they. I’m looking forward to finding out a bit more about each of their histories, as they see fit to show me, and figure out where they both went wrong. And how it might come out alright in the end.

      I cheated a little – I composed this piece while working in the garden (well, on the allotment) but thank you for being so complimentary of it 😀 And YES! The robin was real – he was there on Saturday – where I took the photo 😉


    • Ah there must be more characters somewhere, though…I look forward to finding more about them (not Dominic – I didn’t like him) but others…

      And thank you – I tried hard with the imagery, and I’m glad it seems to have come across. The musical undertones, too 🙂

      I was PLEASED with that line, even when I wrote it. Glad you like it.


  5. I was there. Mentally. In the garden. I could smell it, and feel the sun on my shoulders. I think I have dirt under my fingernails even. The musical undertones, metaphors, and imagery will stick with me all day. You give good story, BW. *basks in afterglow*


  6. Beatifully done, as expected! I’m not a “always happy ending” fan, but in this case I was REALLY hoping for her to turn herself around, and of course play again. I’m such a girl sometimes 🙂


    • Ach, ya soppy thing 😀

      I SO NEARLY didn’t include that, but I thought I would because this story’s going offline now, and hopefully becoming MUCH MORE! The story isn’t over yet…


  7. Wow. I love the imagery, the emotion, the way I was standing in the garden. Really really well done, Lizzi. I can’t wait for more! Whoot to a book! I’m glad this section ended happy happy too…


  8. This is beautiful, Lizzi The story, the writing, the characters, the ending…all of it. Beautiful, I particularly identify with Anitra, as I have fucked up a relationship like this and would LOVE to be given a chance to set things right and start over. I’m glad Anitra got that chance.


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