I’m Your Huckleberry

Your BFF,  your bestie, your confidant, your wingman, your amigo, and most often, I’m your best friend.  I wear that badge proudly, with a smile and my chin slightly tilted upward, my half of the golden broken heart charm dangling on my chest.  You know the necklace.

Best Friend Necklace

Best friend…that’s not just any term…BEST.  That’s a big deal, and I don’t take it lightly.   One of my hidden talents is my ability to climb right up the friendship ladder to the top…the BEST spot, and I. LOVE. IT!!!

I surround myself with a huge circle of friends, one that continues to grow now that I’ve joined this world of blogging, and I love each of them/you dearly.  I do.  That’s part of it.  When I’m your friend, I truly love you.  I think about you.  I remember things that you say you like, your favorites, the kind of music you listen to, the little things that fill your world with light, even if it’s yoda undies, and I pull out little pieces of my secret stash whenever any of my friends needs a little sparkle.  I love to make people laugh and smile and just be happy, so people tend to gravitate to me.  I’m good with this.

I make myself available, whether it’s via phone call, which anyone who really knows me knows I absolutely loathe talking on the phone. After years of sales and being on the phone all day long, it pains me when it rings…seriously, but I will pick it up and put it to my ear, and I will discuss what an asshole your husband is or whether or not you should start working out (yes, always yes), and what to say to your teenage daughter who may or may not be having sex, or simply talk about the news.  I will answer.  And sometimes, an hour will slip by, and I’ll still be there, listening, and talking with you because you need me, so I’m available.  Period.  When you’ve had a shitty day at work, I’ll chat with you online and try to make you feel better, even if it’s just to say, “that really sucks, man.”   I return annoyed texts with snarky remarks, or sometimes, I just send you half naked photos of a hot guy or a weird whacky video that made me laugh,  just to let you know you crossed my dirty little mind.  Because I’m your friend, and that’s a big deal.

I’m your biggest fan.  When you need someone to cheer you on, I’m there, doing my best herkiewith my pom poms out , shaking them and screaming:  You can do it!!!  I encourage. I motivate.  I rally.

When someone wrongs you, I hate them with you, with passion.  I will rant with you about what a bitch she is and  how much more awesome you are than she because I am always on your side.  Always.  I will help you come up with ways to get back at your boss when he’s being an asshole, even if it’s just lowering his office chair every morning before he comes in, and I’ll stay on the phone with you and laugh when he plops down and looks around to see if anyone noticed.  When a man or woman breaks your heart, I go with you to the voodoo lady to make the doll, and together we stick it full of pins and laugh, and laugh, and laugh.


I run to you when you’re sick.  I cry with you when you’re sad.  I celebrate with your happiness, and I pick you up from the floor when the world sucks out your steam.  Because I’m your friend, and that’s a big deal.

People always say, “You can’t choose your family.” But my friends choose me, and I don’t ignore that, and when he or she uses the term “best”, I commit to the title.  I tackle it, and I make it my bitch.  One of my hidden talents is being a best friend, and I’m really good at it.

I’m hopping on the “finish the sentence Friday train”.  You can, too.  I don’t really know the rules.  Copy that cute little pic below and see what the other talents are out there.  We’ll see if I get kicked out….


31 thoughts on “I’m Your Huckleberry

  1. That was sweet. I really liked it because I believed it. I havent known you very long but you seem to always be there for me even though you dont even know me. Everything you just said I feel the same way about my regular friends……And we are friends now. sooo………….


  2. Aw, this really is your not-so-hidden talent, and every word of it is true. You are my biggest champion, most die-hard motivator, favorite fellow perv, and incredible friend who’s DEFINITELY made it into my tight, top circle of besties. You always, ALWAYS make me smile. I feel a close connection with you, you know this. I adore you. LOVE you to pieces. I don’t say that to many. Only those who’ve wormed their way into my heart. We’ll always have Big Truck Tuesdays. 🙂


    • I can’t wait for the next Big Truck Tuesday…and the feeling is mutual, Beth. I love you to pieces, and I love being your fan. I’m so glad you’re mine, too. It’s good to have a hot cheerleader in my corner. I’m really glad I wormed my way into your heart, too!


  3. This doesn’t surprise me at all, Mandi. I have no doubt you are an awesome friend. I’m glad you’ve become mine too 🙂 And I wasn’t kidding about the blogcation thing! I’m not one to blow smoke – if I don’t mean it, I just don’t say it. You are awesome.


  4. That was such an apt and perfect description of the way I feel about friendship. That personality and these traits you describe totally come across in your writing and comments. I don’t know if you haven’t already, but you should check out our fellow Bloppies Stephanie Sprenger and Jessica Smock’s HerStories Project. You could probably write an essay for them, I think they’re still looking, although they may have changed their focus to friendship breakups. And so funny, I was initially planning to write about friendship as my hidden talent. So glad I didn’t, this was perfect.


  5. You, sweet girl, are the friend everyone dreams of. I would say that this particular talent of yours is not very well hidden. Your incredible personality shines straight through the screen and I am thrilled beyond words to have met you here. I think you are fabulous!


    • Wow, Sandy, the feeling is mutual. I’m making all kinds of new friends, and I’m loving it. I love that you all open up your worlds to me through your words, and I really feel like I *know* you. I have fallen in love with so many new people…including you.


  6. Alrighty-then… How do I comment on this one??? When I define “friend,” you are my full moon. I love bragging about having had the same best friend for 30 years… We are so very different, yet so much the same. Mandi, you really are always there. It never ceases to amaze me how you can be such a dedicated comrade to everyone you care for. (Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition). However, I thank God every day that 30 years ago I moved next door to the girl who annoyed me at kindergarten recess only to discover that she would one day become my Barbie playing partner, my dress-up pal, my “beeper buddy,” my college roommate (for a while), my greatest confidant: even to this day, my competitive edge, my cheerleader, sometimes my conscience, my dearest friend, and a gifted writer I am proud to know. This comment may be too long for you to post, and that’s okay. But I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate our morning coffee talks and our lifelong friendship. I love you, AGC… Happy 30th friendiversary!


    • Wait..who is this? Kidding. You were the first, you’ll be the last. You taught me friendship, and you are my full moon, half moon, crescent moon, new moon, waning gibbous. Because I know you’ll always say, “F@ck it…let’s go chase the moon.” And you mean it. Love you, beeper buddy, my dearest friend.


  7. You sound like the bestest friend a person coudld have. It’s good to have a best friend. Someone to have fun with, a confidant, a wing man, and a partner in crime. Blogging is cool in that it does help us meet a lot of people that might become friends.


  8. I told you awhile back how much of an incredible writer you are Mandi. The real treat has been getting to know the beautiful soul of the person behind the words! You nailed this spot on in how I see, act towards and treat friendships. I’m fiercely loyal to them. Whether it be for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Our personal slant to you is that you immediately “adopted” my kid, Phoenix, as your new virtual friend. Trust me…you will find no other soul as unconditional as him. Since we are a package deal you get a 2 for 1 friendship from us… Keep doing what you’re doing…we love it! 🙂


  9. ***When a man or woman breaks your heart, I go with you to the voodoo lady to make the doll, and together we stick it full of pins and laugh, and laugh, and laugh***

    OMGosh, you are def. my kind of friend!!



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